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No.of Product(s) : 3


  1. PrestaShop Order Management Module

    PrestaShop Order Management Module

    Robust & Tested Order Management Module. Merchants can now focus on increasing the business

    • rightAdmin can login and complete order without knowing customer login credentials.
    • right Admin can able to take orders over phone and process orders after realizing payments .
    • right New Email notification sent to customers for edited orders.
    • right New Invoice generated and sent to customer for edited orders.
    • right Easy administrative management features.

  2. PrestaShop Currency Auto Switcher + GeoIP Location

    PrestaShop Currency Auto Switcher + GeoIP Location

    Identify and redirect visitors to their native language site automatically for better understanding of your products.

    • rightAuto detection of user's IP address
    • rightIP's Location Based redirection by using the Maxmind look up table as reference.
    • rightRedirect the users to their Native language store.
    • rightCurrency settings can be done by both manual and automatic.
    • rightCurrency updator is handled by using custom GEOIP import services.
    • rightSetting the URL automatically and manually.
    • rightQuick installation.
    • rightFriendly Interface.

  3. Product Image

    PrestaShop NoCaptcha reCaptcha

    You can protect your site from spam while letting humans to pass through with ease.

    • PrestaShop Google No Captcha reCaptcha has a better protection and user experience.
    • Compared to traditional captcha, reCAPTCHA is way more user-friendly with the "I'm not a Robot" checkbox.
    •  Flexible administrative configuration panel.
    • After making changes in the site backend, the reCaptcha preview can be viewed instantly in the backend itself
    • By using the "Custom" option in the backend the user can customize the reCaptcha Design
