Review Of Magento MarketPlace Extensions

Opt For The Best one! – Review Of Magento MarketPlace Extensions

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Introduction: Analysis of Magento MarketPlace Extensions

Magento marketplace extension plays a vital role in e-commerce business module. This magento extension help to convert an existing magento store to a perfect marketplace with multi-vendor portal management. Before making the decision to buy a huge extension, it’s better to make an analysis of Magento MarketPlace Extensions available, as once you are stuck up with any marketplace extension, it’s too difficult to get out of it.
Three sections included in market place module’s

  • Admin
  • Seller
  • Customer

Basic features enabled for Magento Extension:

Features for Admin

  • Store admin can easily monitor and manage list of vendors and can also manage seller accounts. Store admin has full control to view the list of sellers and manage them accordingly.
  • Store Owner can limit or restrict categories for the sellers.
  • Store admin has the ownership for approval and disapproval of sellers and seller products. All registrations are forwarded to the store admin for approval.
  • Store owner can manage commissions for vendors. And view seller transactions and mark them paid once payment has been made.

Features for Sellers

  • Sellers can manage their account profile & product details easily as they have a separate seller portal.
  • Sellers can add their products with all details and they will have a quick access to track sales information.
  • Seller can add banner, shop logo and custom HTML content that will be displayed on Seller Page with separate product collection.
  • Seller can view all the transactions for any orders and they can see their own reviews given by the customers.

Features for Buyers

  • Buyers can view list of all seller along with their rating on the marketplace. They can easily search any seller.
  • Buyers can view and compare prices from several vendors for a single product and they can also view reviews and rating of the seller on each product page.
  • Buyers can add products to their cart or to their wish list for later consideration and also they can give their feedback on any products.

Few X factor’s to be noted:

Don’t fall for FREE word:

You can select the Marketplace extension based on your requirements. Don’t go with the companies which offer you FREE module versions. Because in most of the free modules, you will not get technical support when admin or vendors facing issues. In these modules the implementation part will be very easy but after work is too complicated.

Remember to opt for the best extensions available as these technologies will be running your business.

MONEY BACK option:

Even for the best extensions available, check whether the company provides a refund option, as if any issues occurs you can be on the safer side.

Only few genuine companies provide these options for their client’s benefits.

FLEXIBLE is what you need:

Check the commission flexibility which the company is offering you, compare the commission charges and go for the reasonable one.

Flexibility can be given in 5 different categories such as it can be based on each sellers, products, product type, customer group and category.


Check for the Magento Extension which doesn’t show inappropriate seller details in customer’s login for example: You can be a seller too .Because these options will make your market place look like C2C module not as B2C.

There should be a separate login for admin/seller/buyer.

Let’s compare the best Magento Extension available,

WebKul Marketplace Multi-Vendor Module Magento marketplace extension – base pack – Module bazaar Vnecoms Mar ketplace Extensions
Price 349 USD 199 USD 399 USD
Magento 2.0 version Support Yes No Yes
Technical Support 3 month free support 6 month free support lifetime
Refund Policy No 15 Days refund 30 Days
Out of stock notification No No No
Seller vacation mode No Yes Yes
Seller Shipping setup No Yes Yes-Extra charges
Editing option for Admin on reviews Yes Yes Yes
Price comparison (product page) No
Addon available
Yes Yes
Separate seller interface Yes Yes Yes
Shopping Cart – Group By Seller No
Addon available
Yes Yes


Everything is online now days. Making things simple is been the trending factor right now. Marketplace in Magento Extension is having a healthy future, as it holds lot of benefits for the Store owner & seller and even the customer perspective. This will be a simplified form of business in a striking way.

  1. sona says:

    Amazing! Informative article I got a clear idea on Magento Marketplace Extensions. Being a fresher it was very informative for me. Thank you.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you Sona

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