Prestashop Firstdata

For a Flawless Checkout Process, Use Prestashop FirstData GGe4 Module

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In today’s emerging online shopping trend, customers are increasing day by day and hence it has become essential for eCommerce store owners to provide a secure way of payment processing. The customer would be interested to buy a product from your website, only when they trust your website and feel that their card information is not stored. Though many of the mortar retailers are willing to spend much money to meet the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards), there are few average eCommerce merchants who are not willing to do so. Thus we are introducing Prestashop Firstdata GGe4 Module that passes PCI Compliance issues and will help the merchants to process the card payments in a much-secured way.


Prestashop First data

More On Prestashop Firstdata GGe4 Extension

This module is integrated with Prestashop 1.5.x version and the installation requires Firstdata Merchant Account ID, Gateway ID. Bricks or mortar retailers can process payments from their website itself. It enables your customer to give the credit card details from your website. The configuration panel allows the merchants to enter the account information. When the customer enters and submits the card details, the Payment plugin gathers the card information, validates and safely passes the data to Firstdata and initiates the requested money transfer from a customer account to a merchant account. Moreover, the card information is not saved anywhere either on the website or Firstdata, and this module is very useful for store owners to meet the PCI compliance issues. The First data backend has features that are easy to use and helpful for merchants. One such feature includes Authorize & Capture and Authorize Only. For Authorize & Capture option, the customer gives credit card information and authorize and transfer payment immediately to the merchant account. For Authorize Only, admin can hold the amount of the First data in the review process. With the help of First data backend, admin has the facility to change the refund option. The refund option is helpful when a customer has done the payment and request for canceling the order, in such situation admin can refund the customer for the full amount or half of the amount based on the terms agreed.

Read also: Payeezy Payment Gateway Modules For E-Commerce Platform

Thus by using the Prestashop Firstdata GGe4 Extension, mortar retailers can process their customer’s card payments safely from their website without redirecting.

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