Magento Shipping Carrier Extension

Magento Shipping Carrier Extension

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Nowadays people have turned to the internet to purchase everything, from books to houses. Hence, online shopping offers countless advantages to the users to make for more convenience, secure payment services, fast shipping process, time saving, low prices, product and price comparison option, and many more. This online shopping trend also attracts many merchants and encourages them to build up their own store on the Internet.

Address Tracking Extension for Shipping Calculation

Calculating the shipping costs of the ordered products in an eCommerce store is considered a difficult task. The Magento Shipping Carrier Tracking Module is a great module which helps merchant to run a successful online store without the trouble of calculating the shipping cost.

Magento is one of the best eCommerce software which has many extensions that are easily integrated with many shipping carriers such as Shipping Company and DHL. It provides flat rate shipping per order and table rates for weight, product sub-totals, number of items, and destination. Magento shipping modules are developed by the domain experienced developers to make the shipping process more fast and easy.

Magento shipping extensions facilitate fast and effective shipping experience. With Shipping Company, works seamlessly immaterial of the size of your shipment. It ships products to the U.S. and also more than 220 countries and territories. It creates a variety of customizable reports to view online, print or save to a file.

How does it help the merchants?

During the shipping process, this module collects the address details provided by the customer in the eCommerce store. It will then identify whether the shipping or delivery address given by the customer is residential or commercial and displays the shipping rates based on that.

This module tracks the customer address is correct or not and calculates shipping cost based on the address to provide exact shipping rates to the customers. Most of the customers feel that they are paying higher costs for shipping than the exact price. This makes them reluctant to make purchases in online stores which do not offer an accurate shipping cost. By using this module, you can easily track your U.S. customers’ address and provide shipping costs accordingly.

This module will work on the cart page in calculating the shipping charges. The shipping charges can be displayed according to the customer’s entry either residential or commercial by using Shipping Carrier address validation. It is specially designed for U.S. customers. The module is a perfect solution for the merchant who wants to track the address of the customer and provide shipping cost based on residential or commercial.

And there is this and more!

Plenty of Magento eCommerce Modules are available in the Magento community. It allows merchants to choose a module based on his business requirement. Merchants can relax and save time estimating the shipping fee with Magento module in place.

Source: Magento Shipping Carrier Extension

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