Facebook Complete Pack

Facebook Complete Pack for visitor convenience in PrestaShop

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Every merchant wants to attract more people towards their website without spending huge amount. Do you think is it impossible? No. It will possible with the help of the social media sites. Make your website more convenient for the visitors by using the social media sites in your PrestaShop based eCommerce store. The PrestaShop Social Media attracts many visitors and make them as your product buyers.

  • PrestaShop powers more than 125,000 online stores in the eCommerce business industry.
  • It has experienced and dedicated developers, designers, 310 features, 24,000 extensions or plugins, thousands of attractive themes, PCI compliance support, etc.
  • It is an SEO and user friendly software.
  • It combines with more than 60 payment gateways to make the payment process very secure.
  • Multiple languages and multiple currencies support.
  • Integrates with many social networking sites to increase the traffic and visibility of the website.
  • Offers the best shipping process by accommodating with many shipping carriers.
  • Simple to install and customize.
  • It makes the website look very rich and professional.

Facebook A largest social networking service

Today, social media plays in important role in all the fields. Especially in the eCommerce business industry, it provides a large number of ways to increase the growth of the business. There are more than 800 social media sites are using by the people, such as Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google+, Yahoo, Pinterest, Sharethis, Classmates, MySpace, Blogmarks, Digg, Reddit, Tagged, Bebo, Hi5, Flickr, Tumblr, Friendster, Newsvine, Instagram, etc. The PrestaShop Facebook Pack is a module to connect your store with the millions of the Facebook users. For one month, more than 800,000,000 visitors visit the Facebook site for different purposes. It holds the first position in the list of the most popular social media sites in the globe. It has billion of active users.

Attract the visitors with the help of the Facebook complete pack

  • The Facebook complete pack connects all the Facebook users to your store through the API.
  • The customers can sign-in and sign-up your site by using their Facebook accounts. It will avoid the long process of registration.
  • The Facebook login button, like button, share button, post comment button will be displayed on your website.
  • If the customers want to log in or share or like or post any comment about your products can use this button.
  • It will be easier for them to share their opinion about your products and the services to their friends and the other people.
  • It will provide the flexible and the user friendly website to the visitors.
  • It is the best and an easy for you to promote all your website products.
  • Your visitors can post about the products on their Facebook wall.
  • It helps to increase the visibility of the PrestaShop website to the people.
  • It also offers the follow us link to retain the customers.

The PrestaShop Development team developed this module to make the visitors feel very comfortable when they use your PrestaShop website. The Facebook Complete Pack offers easier to use the website, convenience, and time saving to the customers. It will increase the sales and the customer services of the PrestaShop store.

Download Here: PrestaShop Facebook Complete Pack

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